Player Impressively Predicts Card-For-Card Exactly What Will Happen In Poker Hand

Posted on July 2, 2021

One of the keys to being successful in Texas Hold’em Poker is to get a feel for what’s coming next. Whether it’s evaluating what the competition is thinking or estimating what cards are coming up, strong instincts give players an edge. While some players have a good feel for the game, Troy Clogston might be on another level.

troy clogston poker
Troy Clogston

Playing at the Lone Star Poker event, Clogston forecasted an entire hand. He started off with a pair of Jacks and before the flop came, he predicted everything that would turn up.

  • Out loud, he said that it would be an eight, a nine, and a 10, and that’s what the dealer showed.
  • As if that wasn’t crazy enough, he predicted a four of spades on the turn and a two of hearts on the river, and that’s what came out.
  • Imagine being his competition at that point? You might as well just give up.

Clogston is a veteran on the poker tour and has some decent finishes under his belt.

He finished fifth at the $260 No-Limit Hold’em (Six-Max) $50K GTD in 2019 at the 2019 Goliath Phamous Poker Series and picked up $9,500 in winnings. He also finished second at the $365 No-Limit Hold’em in the 2018 Dog Days of Summer and won $4,755.

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